
CCD- City and County of Denver (the City, the Mayor and his Administration)

CDOT- Colorado Department of Transportation

CDPHE- Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment

CORA- Colorado Open Records Act (access to State, County, City and Local Gov’t records)

CPGC- City Park Golf Course (Detention, part of P2PH)

DZC- Denver Zoning Code

EADP- Early Action Drainage Project (Early Action part of TBDP, later called GLO)

EIS (DEIS, or SDEIS, or FEIS) Environmental Impact Statement (Draft .., or Supplemental Draft .., or Final ..)

FHWA- Federal Highway Administration

FOIA- Freedom of Information Act (access to Federal Gov’t records)

GES- Globeville, Elyria, and Swansea (neighborhoods most affected by I-70 project)

GLO- Globeville Landing Outfall (part of P2PH)

IGA- Intergovernmental Agreement (between CDOT and CCD and using the TBDP)

LOR– Letter of Recommendation (MATT LOR)

MATT- Multi-Agency Technical Team (formed by CDOT, RTD, CCD, and UDFCD)

MOU- Memorandum of Understanding (MATT MOU)

NDCC- North Denver Cornerstone Collaborative (6 Portfolio Developments combined by Mayor)

NEPA– National Environmental Policy Act (under the EPA)

NWC (or NWCC) National Western Center (Campus)  (part of the NDCC)

OU1, OU2- Operable Unit 1, 2 (Vasquez Blvd and I-70 Superfund Site)

P2PH (or P2P) Platte to Park Hill: Stormwater Systems (4 Drainage Projects for a 100-year storm)

P3’s- Public Private Partnerships

PCL- Partial Cover Lowered (I-70 PCL, lowered portion of the Central 70 project, part of the NDCC)

PHGC- Park Hill Golf Course (Detention, part of P2PH)

RiNo- River North (Art District in Five Points neighborhood, part of the NDCC)

ROD- Record of Decision

RTD- Regional Transportation District (“TOD” Commuter Rail Lines and Stations, part of the NDCC)

TBDP- Two Basins Drainage Project (Lower Montclair/Park Hill Basin Storm Projects, precursor to P2PH)

TOD- Transit Oriented Development

UDFCD- Urban Drainage and Flood Control District

UPRR- Union Pacific Railroad