This section has the Excerpts pulled from the Source Documents that are described in THE BIG LIE Papers. Three Documents in particular highlight the connection between Platte to Park Hill (P2PH) and lowering I-70. They’re chronological and actually closely spaced in time. In a little over a year, the City laid out how they wanted to do a giant water project to protect I-70, with side benefits to much of the rest of the Mayor’s North Denver Cornerstone Collaborative (NDCC). The Documents show how the project progressed both in design and name. The initial concept had an Open Channel design, a giant Outfall near Globeville, and pipes and ponds to protect I-70. That evolved into a Combined Drainage System when CDOT’s I-70 pipes were included, and pipes and ponds from Park Hill Basin were added as well. This then got renamed the Two Basins Drainage Project (TBDP) in the agreement signed between CDOT and Denver. And shortly thereafter, TBDP got rebranded as Platte to Park Hill: Stormwater Systems (P2PH), which also added storm Detention in both City Park Golf Course (CPGC) and Park Hill Golf Course (PHGC). Other important Excerpts are also included in the Other Source Documents tab above.
For the Excerpts themselves, my comments are always in italics (and in parenthesis) to distinguish them from basic info added for clarification. The actual Excerpts are always in “quotes” and highlighted. A reference page number follows that is based on the scroll at the top or bottom of the Source pdf, i.e. —3/8
Note- when reading the Source Documents or Excerpts, you may notice that various City or State agencies may still try painting TBDP/P2PH and I-70 PCL as “separate” projects when talking amongst themselves, perhaps as part of a protocol of CYA and deniability. So, the key is to read what’s actually in the Documents and see if it bears out that they’re separate, independent projects. I think it becomes a bit farcical at times when the connection is screaming at you so loudly, you’re not sure how they could be so blatantly obvious about it. But.. they have won all their court cases so far and so what is obvious and lied about and what is still permitted are two separate concerns of the court system, evidently.
The Glossary link above is a complete list of all the acronyms in the Documents and Excerpts. Lists of acronyms can also be found in the Excerpts themselves, tailored to the Documents they’re pulled from, for easier reference.